Browsing: home

When the weather begins to get warmer, people are anxious to go outside. Get your home ready for summer by completing some outdoor tasks. Make sure these items are on your spring outdoor “to-do” list. Clean Gutters During the fall and winter months, leaves and twigs collect in the gutters. If the gutter is clogged, it can overflow and cause problems for your home. Incidentally, it’s also a good time to check the drainage around your home. April showers bring May flowers; make sure the gutter and drainpipes are clear. Clean Around the AC Take a look at your air…


The long winter is finally starting to come to an end. As the harsh winter winds start giving way to warm spring breezes, your mind turns to the home improvement and maintenance work you couldn’t do in the heavy snow and blustery weather. In this article, we’ll take a look at the top ten spring home improvement tips for you to keep an eye on this year. These tips will help you bring your home out of the winter season without any issues. 1. Take a Look at Your Roof After all the months of cold, snow, ice, rain and…


Decorating for the holidays should be a fun, pleasant experience. So, you don’t have to start tearing down the Thanksgiving decorations the moment the last piece of turkey is eaten at dinner. Instead, start to transition from Thanksgiving to Christmas in a gradual way. When you transition your holiday décor, take your time and avoid feeling overwhelmed. Here are few simple things that you can do to transition from Thanksgiving to Christmas décor. Give Your Candles a New Look Candles are a familiar part of a home’s décor during both Thanksgiving and Christmas time. If you have brown, tan or…


With the temperamental weather out of the picture, the consistent glare of the hot sun makes summer the best season to do those home improvement projects you’ve been setting aside. Doing these upgrades and renovations are not ideal during the other seasons because the snow, sleet, and rain impede most, if not all, construction work. Home upgrades are best left for the hot months when work can flow smoothly with no interruptions. These home improvements can range from small repairs like patching your roof to large scale renovation projects that include overhauling your entire kitchen. All of these need time,…


While most families like to enjoy the summer months outdoors, the season brings with it more than just sunshine and warm temperatures. It’s also the season in which powerful storms can cause a lot of damage. You can help protect your family in the summer by following some of these simple summer storm tips. Stay Away From Lightning While dark clouds may mean a storm is coming, you likely don’t think much about it until the rain starts to fall. However, lightning doesn’t need rain in order to occur. While it may be rare for lightning to strike someone, it…


Everyone has some form of clutter in their home. But, if you have an increasing amount of mess in your home and are looking to minimize it, there are steps that you can take. Follow these 12 tips below on how to declutter your home. 1. Create Goals Before you start decluttering and minimizing your home, you have to create a plan first. You can do this by setting up a few goals that you want to complete to avoid overbearing your workload. Here are few things to keep in mind before decluttering your house • Create a map Circle…


First impressions are everything, which is why it’s crucial that your home have excellent curb appeal. Your outdoor area is like the appetizer to the inside of your home. Below you’ll find some tips that you can use to improve your home’s outdoor area. Upgrade Outdoor Fixtures Fixtures such as lights, door hardware, lampposts and others should be improved upon. This can give a more sophisticated look to your outdoor area. We recommend choosing fixtures that complement your door and porch colors. Pressure Wash Pressure washing is an excellent way to add more appeal to your home. Often times, mold,…


With the hot summer weather about to hit, there’s no better time to clean up your house and get it organized. Even if you don’t think you have a lot of things lying around, you might be surprised by the amount of clutter that builds up over time. By pulling everything out of each room, you’ll be able to get rid of what you don’t need so it’s no longer taking over your home. Your Closets It’s easy to put off storing your winter clothes until it’s time to use them again, especially if they’re stored in the back where…


Looking for ways to landscape around your pool without breaking the bank? If you’re up for a DIY project, dive in and get started on these gorgeous pool landscaping ideas. De-clutter To create a low-maintenance, attractive design that offers you some privacy, the first step is to de-clutter. Get rid of stuff laying around that really doesn’t have any reason to be there. Move unnecessary items out of the way so you can have a fresh, empty canvas. After de-cluttering your pool area, you’ll uncover new opportunities for areas to be landscaped, and you may even find a few items…


Autumn is a great time to have your roof assessed for any damages that may have occurred within the previous year. It gives you a chance to decide and plan on a path of action before seasonal storms begin and keeping a solid roof over your head becomes a critical event. Winter, spring, and summer often bring heavy winds, snow, sleet, rain, and hail that can damage your roof. These seasonal storms may create small problems that go unnoticed until they become huge headaches. It is important to have your roof inspected regularly and to make repairs quickly. Water Won’t…

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