Browsing: autumn

When the winds howl and the chill of changing seasons brings a crispness to the air, one way to warm up from the inside out is with favorite foods. Filling up on comforting recipes like hearty soups and stews can be the solution you need to fight off cold temperatures. Consider quick and easy ingredients that add a little warmth to your plate as the cravings for comfort kick in. Cheese family favorite in recipes year-round, ooey-gooey cheese is a hallmark of cool-weather recipes. Consider creamy mac and cheese mixed with your preferred protein, homemade Mexican cuisine topped with melted…


Autumn is a great time to have your roof assessed for any damages that may have occurred within the previous year. It gives you a chance to decide and plan on a path of action before seasonal storms begin and keeping a solid roof over your head becomes a critical event. Winter, spring, and summer often bring heavy winds, snow, sleet, rain, and hail that can damage your roof. These seasonal storms may create small problems that go unnoticed until they become huge headaches. It is important to have your roof inspected regularly and to make repairs quickly. Water Won’t…


After autumn arrives, you should clean your home’s lawns to prepare for winter. Choose a day when it isn’t raining to complete these outdoor cleaning chores. Here are a few tips for cleaning your backyard and front lawn this autumn. Tip 1: Have the Proper Equipment for This Chore Before beginning the cleaning process, make sure to have the right equipment, including rakes, shovels and containers for trash. If you have a lot of debris to get rid of, then using trash bags isn’t enough, but you can rent a dumpster from a local company. Tip 2: Raking Autumn Leaves…


If you love to indulging in fall flavors, use seasonal liquors for fall cocktails. Blend liqueurs with various spices and zest, to make craft cocktails to celebrate autumn. Spicy Chocolate Liquor Decadent chocolate flavor with a hint of chili brings a powerful punch to your senses. The liquor is versatile and can be added to a dessert, cocktail, or coffee. Pecan Liqueur Hickory, nut infused with a warm maple fragrance. It has a strong kick, but it is smooth and pairs well with almost any spice you may desire. Excellent choice for anyone who enjoys classic tastes. Ingredients: • One…


There is a lot to like about autumn. Once the leaves start to fall it also means readily available supplies to make some stunning crafts. Depending on the types of trees that surround you, the leaves will vary in size and shape, often within one area. Gather some of the brightest and best and you’re on your way to making some stunning decor. Leaf Wall Hanger Combine dozens of leaves and create one large sized leaf wall hanging in the same shape of the leaves you are using by gluing the assortment together. Choose your favorite style and completely lay…


Are you ready to embrace fall and make your home coordinate with the coming season? Check out some of the fun decorating ideas for autumn that will transform your home. Use Pedestals If you love baking and sharing baked goods with others, you probably have a few cake stands tucked away in your cabinet. Autumn is the perfect time to get those stands out and create a display that visitors will love. White stands and pedestals are great because white puts the focus on your decorations, but you might want to go with black stands when creating a Halloween display.…


Here are some of the best ways to take advantage of the autumn equinox. Pumpkin Spice Coffee Begin your morning by waking up early enough to have a cup of hot pumpkin spice coffee that you make at home or grab on your way to work. Don’t forget to have a pumpkin spice flavored doughnut with your tasty coffee, and savor the breakfast while enjoying the colorful leaves on the trees. Go for a Hike or Walk Dress in a light jacket (if needed) to enjoy the cool breezes of autumn while hiking in the woods or walking at a…


With summer slowly coming to a close, nature begins to prepare itself for slumber and the pace of things seem to slow down. People, however, can take these cooler days and crisper air and turn them into the perfect time for reinvigorating active and healthy lifestyles. New school years and changing seasons are great times to get into learning new habits.. Follow this simple guide and get into some of these fall health and fitness activities. Get Outside Fall is a delight for the senses: the sight of blazing fall foliage, the smells of apples, the crunch of leaves, and…


You’re all ready for Halloween; the kids have costumes, your candy basket is full, and the house is decorated. How about your nails? Pamper yourself with these DIY Halloween nail art trends and your fingers will be looking spooktacular in no time. 1. Spooky Spiders Did you know that if you see a spider on Halloween, the spirit of a deceased love one is watching over you? Be inspired by this Halloween spider superstition. First, paint your nails opaque white. After your nails dry, place black spider decals on top of your nails. This will look like spiders are crawling…

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