Browsing: small business

Supporting small businesses is essential to help the local economy succeed and grow. Many small businesses create jobs, support local schools and services and contribute to the growth of the community. By shopping local you help local shops, restaurants, and other businesses in your community. Here are four easy ways you can help support small businesses in your community: 1. Leave a positive review Leaving a positive review helps potential customers determine if they want to give the business a try. Positive reviews can also boost the business’s search engine ranking, making it easier for others to find them. You…


November 25th, the Saturday after Thanksgiving is Small Business Saturday. American Express helps promote small business shopping around the country, making it a nationwide movement. Businesses around the country sign up to be part of the Shop Small Movement. Supports the Local Community Small Business Saturday encourages people to support local businesses in the community. This helps to drive sales at mom-and-pop stores that might normally struggle to compete with big chain department stores. Did you know that if you shop locally, the tax revenue benefits the entire community? This helps circulate the money spent back into the community, benefitting…


Small business is one of the primary drivers of our global economy. However, while many of us have our favorite small local restaurant, barber or dentist, we may overlook other ways to support local businesses. Below are some ideas for both consumers and small business leaders to celebrate. Celebrate as a Consumer Skip the big box store If you need to stop to look at paint samples or have a plumbing project, drive past the big box store and head to your small local hardware store. Think Fresh If your local grocery chain is part of your regular routine, change…


On March 29th, the United States celebrates an event honoring all small business sector owners: National Mom And Pop Business Owners Day. The festivities recognize the significant contribution entrepreneurs make to everyone’s quality of daily life. The U.S. Small Business Administration, a government agency dedicated to this important economic sector, reports some 27 million “mom and pop” enterprises conduct business in this nation alone. Celebrate Mom & Pop Business Owners Day with the fun ways listed below. Go on a Shopping Spree at Local Small Businesses One of the best ways to celebrate Mom & Pop Business Owners Day involves…

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