Browsing: gardening

When you’re eager to get back to the garden and begin planting, waiting for spring can feel endless. Luckily, there are several steps that can be taken during the colder months to prepare for spring. Not only will these tips keep gardeners busy while they wait for perfect planting weather but they will make gardening easier and more efficient while also providing a healthy foundation for plants. Clean and Repair Tools Cold weather is the perfect time to work on indoor tasks, and ensuring that gardening tools are in top shape is essential. Tools can be cleaned with soap or…


Gardens of any variety provide beauty and nourishment to a home, if you grow fruits and vegetables. They are hard work and require tedious care to thrive. Some individuals do not have time to take care of a garden, or they may not have a big enough yard to support a garden. You can think about using an alternative like planter boxes. A planter box is an excellent method to use if you do not have the space or the time for a traditional garden. You can change out the plants in the box and can easily control what grows…


While spring and summer are the prime time for growing flowers, a fall bloom can be just as beautiful. If you’re not an expert on what types of flowers to plant when the weather starts to get cool, discover some fall flower varieties below. BLACK-EYED SUSANS (RUDBECKIA) A classic flower that looks at home in any garden. These dainty yellow flowers are part of the sunflower family and happily bloom well into the fall. These perennials thrive in full to partial sunlight. ASTERS These striking perennials are favored by whimsical wildlife, so be sure to plant a few for the…


Do you want the beauty of your flower beds to last well into the fall? The trick is to plant flowers that bloom late in the growing season and enjoy cooler weather. Here are some colorful additions to your flowerbed that display their most exceptional beauty in the autumn. Chrysanthemums Chrysanthemums, or ‘mums’ for short, come in gorgeous fall colors such as red, pink, peach, orange and yellow. Not only are mums colorful, but they also come in a wide variety of sizes, from tiny, two-inch mini-mums to huge plants that grow up to several feet across. Planting and caring…


Do you spot everyday household items and imagine how great they would look if you re-purposed them for your yard? To get started, peruse these ideas and see where your imagination takes you. Give Your Kids the Boot If your brood keeps outgrowing rain boots faster than they can be replaced, why not fasten a selection of them along your fence and fill each one with dirt and plantings? This fun idea can be taken one step further if you nail a thick rope along the fence and use clothespins to hang each boot out to dry. Hitch Your Garden…


With the hot summer months coming up, gardeners and landscapers are getting ready to keep up with the demands of thirstier plants. The summer months always require a little bit more water care, and the new workload may seem especially overwhelming for those who are just learning about the ins and outs of their garden. Whether you are introducing new plants to your vista or are simply interested in optimizing your existing water care routine, it always pays to keep a few tips in mind. Think about some of these considerations you can make to watering easy and efficient. Choose…


There are so many exciting new trends to get your garden ready for spring. Classic garden looks like rose trellises, tomato cages and flower beds overflowing with annuals are comforting garden standards. Here are predictions for the top garden trends for in 2019. Growing Food Growing your own food isn’t new but placing gardens in small, residential spaces is a trending. You don’t need rolling hills or acres of land or even a corner lot for a high-yield garden. Transforming residential yards and lawns into edible landscapes is becoming quite easy. Small compost barrels and bins are available at nurseries…


Learn about gardening, landscaping, stonework, outdoor fireplaces, spas and  interior decoration at the Town of Brookhaven Home & Garden Show at the Holtsville Ecology Site and Animal Preserve. This four-day show focuses on home and garden improvements to inspire you to spring up your space! Check out the full schedule of educational workshops, hands-on classes for children and adults and seminars ranging from beekeeping to propagating seeds to organic gardening. Date/Time: Saturday & Sunday, March 30th & 31st (11am-5pm)


We live in an age of consumerism. What this means is that people are predisposed to think that the only way to get something valuable is to spend a lot of money. The truth is that the most rewarding things in life are free of cost. When it comes to finding ways to relieve stress and anxiety, this is particularly the case. You don’t need to buy luxuries or spend a wad on expensive vacations to get the relaxation that you need. Read on for a list of things that you can do to relax and unwind for little or…

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