Tips to Keep Your Pool Clean


If you’re lucky enough to have a pool, then maintenance is something you’ll have to do to keep the pool clean and safe to swim in. While you can hire a professional to do this, you can attempt to clean it yourself with the tips below.

1. Use Affordable Cleaning Solutions

Keep your pool’s pH levels balanced by using baking soda from the grocery store. This is an affordable alternative to “alkalinity increaser” products from pool cleaning stores. This will keep the water clean between professional cleanings. In general, you’ll want to use 1.5 lbs of baking soda for every 10,000 gallons of water

2. Test the Water Weekly

Test your pool water to make sure chemicals are fully balanced once a week. You can buy testing strips online or at most pool supply stores; they are affordable and great to keep on-hand.
Ideal levels:
Calcium Hardness: 220-350
Cyanuric Acid: 30-50
Total Alkalinity: 60-120
Acidity and Alkalinity: 7.5-7.8

The balance of chemicals does vary based on pool size, type of water, location of the pool, and whether it’s indoor or outdoor. To ensure yours is balanced, consult your pool’s paperwork.

3. Invest in a Pool Robot

Cleaning the bottom of the pool is one of the best ways to keep your pool in good shape. Since this can be time-consuming, invest in a pool robot that will do this for you. There are many makes and models to choose from, so you should be able to find one in an affordable price range.

4. Skim and Scrub

Skim the pool to remove any debris that might be collected from the wind and outdoor elements every day. Scrub the sides of the pool bi-weekly to help keep algae at bay.

5. Pay Attention to the Filter

The pool filter will remove dirt, leaves, sticks, and all other debris from the water so the pool is kept sparkling clean. Clean the filter at least once a week by taking it out and removing the debris. Clean the filter pipes out to get rid of leaves, dirt, or mud that might have built up over the last few weeks.

6. Buy Extra Tennis Balls

Tennis balls left to float in the water can absorb sunblock, lotion, and cosmetics that tend to come off when you go into the water. This is an affordable and easy way to remove chemicals and even oils without having to do any backbreaking work.

7. Periodically Shock the Water

When your pool water begins to look cloudy or murky, shocking it by temporarily raising chlorine levels. Follow the instructions on the pool shock chemicals and make sure to wait the appropriate amount of time until you go back into the water. This should be used occasionally; over-use can cause damage to your pool.

8. Clear out Clogs

Most pools are equipped with pots that collect hair and lint in one spot so they’re easy to remove. While some pools are built to naturally remove these, if yours is older, you’ll have to clean out the pot manually in order to prevent damaging clogs.

9. Check for Cracks

Cracks around your pool need to be filled with caulk as soon as possible in order to prevent additional damage down the road. It’s recommended to look for these on a weekly or bi-weekly basis simply to make sure your pool is in good shape.

10. Limit Animals in the Pool

While it might be fun to swim with your pup, they will leave behind quite a bit of dirt and hair in your pool. In addition to this, the chemicals can be dangerous for dogs with certain health problems. If you insist on letting your furry best friend swim, then chlorine levels should be kept under 3.0 PPM for enhanced safety.

11. Check the Water Levels

Keep water levels in check. The ideal level is halfway up your skimmer, making it easy to determine if the water is too low or too high. When you have a lot of people in the pool, chances are you’ll have to fill it up on a regular basis.

12. Kill Bacteria

Some pool owners kill bacterial by using bromine tablets instead of chlorine. However, if you go this route, you’ll have to install an automatic brominator in your pool to use the bromine effectively.

13. Get Rid of Algae

One of the best ways to get rid of algae is to scrub the sides of your pool on a bi-weekly basis. However, it’s also recommended to use algaecide in order to prevent this from growing in the first place. It is normally added to shock treatments, although use will vary based on the type of pool you own.

14. Clean the Deck

A clean and healthy deck is important because it helps strengthen the structure around your pool. One of the easiest ways to clean this space is by renting a power washing machine. These use pressurized water to blast dirt, mud, chemicals, and other impurities from the pores of the surface so it’s as clean as possible.

15. Keep a Professional on Call

A pool service professional will check your devices to make sure they are in good shape, look for potential damage, check chemical balances, and give you advice on anything that might be a problem in the near future. The information they give you can extend the life of your pool and ensure your pool stays in great shape.

When you own a pool, cleaning it must become a part of everyday life in order to keep it in good shape. If not you can hire a pool person to come weekly to keep your pool clean and enjoyable for the whole family.


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