How to Prep for Weekend House Guests


Whether you’re eagerly awaiting the arrival of friends whom you haven’t seen in years or you’re not so eager about your in-laws spending the weekend, getting the house ready is a necessity. Make the process less overwhelming by integrating the suggestions below.

Start Early

Depending upon how far in advance you know that the guests are coming, you can start to make some basic preparations right away.

Communicate Necessary Information

You want your guests to feel comfortable in your home, but they also need to understand that your family lives there. For example, some people are allergic to pets, so relatives or friends in that situation may need to stay somewhere else and meet you out during the day. Other individuals might find themselves clashing with your routine if you have young children.

Arrange Sleeping Quarters

Wash the sheets and pillowcases in the guest room. If you don’t have a guest room, ask them to bring a sleeping bag or an air mattress. Another option is to sleep on a futon or a couch. Remember that if your guests prefer to stay in a hotel for a good night’s sleep, don’t feel insulted.

Clean the House

Give the house a deep clean before your guests arrive. Doing so can also help to rid your home of allergens and dust.

Ask What Foods They Like

Preparing meals is a way to be a good host. If cooking isn’t in your skill set, stock the house with food and beverages your guests will like.

Plan Activities

Loading the weekend full of activities isn’t necessarily the best idea. Leave time for your guests to sit, relax and catch up. Explore some of the sights in that is in line with your guests tastes but leave room for downtime.

Allow for Time Apart

Even though your house guests are staying with you, they may have other people that they want to see during the trip. They also might have attractions that they’d like to see although you might not be interested in these particular experiences. Remember you are not required to spend every second of the weekend together with your guests merely because they are staying with you.

Respect Their Space

Give your guests time to get up in the morning; they will come into the main part of the house when they are prepared. Your house guests may value periods of solitude, respect that.

Accept Offers Graciously

Your guests might want to take you out to lunch or bring you a bottle of wine, don’t be hesitant to accept it. Many guests like to show at least a little token of appreciation. Failure to accept this appreciation can make it seem as though you are not a gracious host.


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