The Pros and Cons of a Ductless Heating and Cooling System


You may be considering the installation of a ductless HVAC system for efficient operation and consistent temperature control. There are advantages and drawbacks to using a ductless system in your home, below is a list of the pros and cons.

Ductless System Pros

A ductless HVAC system is the combination of a compressor outside and a unit mounted on the wall indoors. It is best suited for situations, where baseboard heating or a window-mounted air conditioning unit would be used. The main benefit of the wall unit is you only have to drill a small hole to mount it. This will limit air leakage and improve your home’s security. These units are also less obtrusive and run quietly.

Typically, a house can lose 25 percent or more of its heating or cooling because of ducts. By not using ductwork, you eliminate this issue. In addition, the inverter-driven compressors used in ductless models allow the system to slow down or run faster. Traditional HVAC systems shut off entirely when the desired temperature is reached, which means they must consume large amounts of energy when they restart. Overall, you will also have lower energy bills.

Another advantage to a ductless system is energy star models. You will spend 30 percent less, receive a local utility incentive and earn a federal tax credit.

Ductless System Cons

When it comes to ductless HVAC, many homeowners face three immediate drawbacks. The systems are expensive, they require maintenance at regular intervals and some people do not like the way they look. If you live in an area that gets very cold in the winter, you will probably need a heating backup if you want to use a ductless system (unless you find a model than can handle below-zero temperatures.)

If you need to heat or cool a single room, a ductless system will cost you more than standard baseboard heaters or a window air conditioner. Replacing an entire house heating and cooling system with ductless system can cost up three times more than simply swapping out ducted units. While you will see lower energy use and save money, your location, your local rates for electricity and the way you use the system will determine how soon the ductless solution will pay for itself.

When to Use Ductless
The following situations are best for using a ductless system:

• Additions

• Downsizing

• Temperature zones

• Specific room support

• Homes with no existing ductwork

If you decide that ductless is the right solution for your home, it is critical to hire the right contractor for installation. This will ensure the system is the right size, and there are no leaks or other problems.

There are several factors to think about before switching your home to a ductless heating and cooling system. Considering the pros and cons will help you make the right choice.


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