Browsing: weekend

Labor Day weekend is the unofficial end of summer for many families before the hustle and bustle of back-to-school overtakes their lives. Here are 10 activities to do this Labor Day weekend. Check Local Community Events Organizations and local churches often host free or inexpensive activities. They are usually open to the community too, which is a plus when you are not a member. Some organizations require a small fee or ask for a donation, so be sure to ask if it is not clear. You can usually find the information on your local county or town’s website. Times, activity…


Whether you’re eagerly awaiting the arrival of friends whom you haven’t seen in years or you’re not so eager about your in-laws spending the weekend, getting the house ready is a necessity. Make the process less overwhelming by integrating the suggestions below. Start Early Depending upon how far in advance you know that the guests are coming, you can start to make some basic preparations right away. Communicate Necessary Information You want your guests to feel comfortable in your home, but they also need to understand that your family lives there. For example, some people are allergic to pets, so…

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