Browsing: car

If you’re like most drivers, then you probably have a 3 step process for washing your car. You simply spray it with water, wipe it down with a soapy rag, and then rinse away all of the suds. If you want to go the extra mile, you may even decide to wax the car afterwards. While this routine may work during the winter months, if you’re using this approach during the summer months, you could be doing more harm than good. You see, whenever you wash your car in direct sunlight, there’s always a chance that you could be ruining…


Many people spring clean their house, yard and garage but your car also needs a thorough clean. Here are some clever car cleaning tips for spring. Clean Out the Big Stuff and Organize the Rest The more people you have riding in your car on a regular basis, the more dirt, trash and miscellaneous items you are likely to collect. Clear away winter items you might keep in your car, like a snow scraper, snow boots or an extra winter coat. Invest in car organizers including storage cubes or seat covers with storage pockets on the back. Give the Exterior…


As the seasons change, it’s important to consider what your car needs to perform at its best and to keep you and your family safe. October is Fall Car Care Month, and it’s the perfect time to make sure all of your car’s systems are in order and working great. This article will walk you through the five most important things you need to check before winter sets in. 1. Check Your Brakes Every driver relies on their brakes to keep them safe, but good brake care is even more important in a cold climate. If your brakes need attention,…


As the seasons change, leaves develop their vibrant hues before falling from the trees and covering anything in its path. Even though leaves look beautiful, they do damage when it comes to your car. Here are ways protect your vehicle from potential leaf damage. How Can Leaves Damage Your Car? If the fallen leaves sit on your car for too long, it can damage to your paint. Leaves contain pollen, sap, and other acidic things, that can damage the clear-coat on your car. Wet leaves release more acid during the decomposition process and can completely break through a clear coat;…


Is your car or SUV getting old? Shopping for a new vehicle can be a tough decision. Brush up on your preparation and negotiation skills, to help save you some money. Luckily, the best time to buy a new vehicle is now. The days are counting down for dealers to release their new models and slash prices on old stock. Dealers are typically pressed to make quotas more aggressively near the end of each month and may use incentives to draw in customers on long weekends. All these factors make Labor Day the opportune time to step into that new…


A huge storm that’s targeting your area will probably have some snowy conditions with it. Winter weather poses many challenges to drivers as they go about their daily lives. An issue that arises during this season is dealing with road salt. It may be a saving grace for safe roadways, but it can create extensive damage to your vehicle. Learn how you can protect your car from road salt with these tips. Wash it Regularly It’s difficult to prioritize car washes in the winter. Rain and snow are perpetual companions. However, take advantage of any clear day to wash away…


Winter is coming and everyone needs to know how to make sure they are able to keep their car running in tip-top shape. Here are some ways to keep it in good shape this winter. 1) Clean the inside of your windows with shaving cream. Yes, this one sounds a little weird but pops up on several lists. So, it must work pretty well. All you do is spread shaving cream on the inside of your car windows and wipe it off. That’s it. To be sure, you will have to re-apply every so often. But, it seems like a…


The end of the year is near, and with it comes colder temperatures, snow and ice, and hazardous driving conditions. While it would be ideal if everyone could stay in their homes until winter has passed, this doesn’t happen. Thus, if you have to get out to go to work, get the kids to school or for any other reason, then you need to make winterizing your car a priority. Getting your car ready for winter isn’t difficult, but it does take some time. However, spending the time to take care of this now could save you heartache in the…


Buying a new automobile can be stressful for anyone. It takes time and research to find a vehicle that meets your standards. When car salesmen see you set foot on their car lot, they will not hesitate to pounce on you. However, the car buying experience all becomes worth it once you know you have secured a great deal. If you are interested in saving money, it’s important for you to shop for a vehicle at the right time. When it comes to saving hundreds or even thousands of dollars, your timing must be perfect. If you keep this in…


Road trips may sound like a good idea, but being in the closed confines of a moving vehicle for hours on end can be a pretty challenging thing, especially when smaller kids are involved. With short attention spans, boundless energy, smaller bladder capacity, and the keen ability to piss each other off when they’re bored just for sport, any parent must come prepared to keep them occupied and their mind diverted. There’s no better way to do that than with food and games. Snack Packs There are many junk food varieties available in supermarkets. But why bother paying such a…

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