Best Money-Saving Tips for National Dollar Day


National Dollar Day is a holiday in celebration of the monetary system that was established on August 8th of 1776 by Congress. Dollar Day is about finding ways to save a dollar each and every day. Below are several ways you can save on Dollar Day.

Ways to Save

1) When you go to the grocery store, take a good look at the store and generic brands. Most of the time these are the exact same products but they cost a lot less. In many cases, you are paying more just for the label.

2) You can save a lot more than a dollar on your cell phone bill by using a free Wi-Fi network instead of going through the precious data that required a payment. There are numerous apps and establishments that offer free Wi-Fi for their customers.

3) You have probably spent a good deal of cash buying the latest best-selling novel. A trip to the library is free and offers a wide variety of quality books. Check out a few books, make a smoothie and enjoy reading by your pool or at the beach for a sensational experience.

4) Your average cost for electricity is approximately $0.13 per kilowatt-hour. That adds up quickly but turning off your lights when you leave home will save you a few dollars.

5) Save a good deal of cash by taking your lunch to work instead of going out or ordering in. Check out our blogs unique and delicious recipes.

Family Vacation

Enjoying a vacation with your family does not have to cost a small fortune. It is possible to establish a budget and still have a great time. All that is required is a little time to establish your budget and using some tricks and tips to save you money without detracting from your vacation. This will ensure you have an amazing and guilt free vacation. You will discover it is easy to save a dollar here and there without the need to empty your bank account. There are guides to the most popular hotels, restaurants and attractions in the United States available for free on the internet.

Researching the Flights

There are a lot of flights to choose from and it probably feels like what one person tells you is soon contradicted by another. You can spend hours on the phone trying to find the best deal or you can do a little research on the internet. If there are specific airlines you prefer, you can find the details and pricing for all their flights on their websites. If you are more open, there are online services that will show you the prices, destinations and flight times for every airline. All you have to do is choose the best possible deal. If you are more flexible regarding the date of your departure, you will get an even better rate. You can save a few additional dollars by booking a connecting flight. Saving as much as a hundred dollars is more than worth a layover for a couple hours. This will also help ensure you stick with your budget.

Food and Accommodations

Next to the cost of your airfare, the biggest expenses for your vacation are your food and accommodations. You can save a lot of dollars on both if you stay at a home as opposed to a hotel. The home you rent is going to have a kitchen so you can easily cook fantastic meals most days instead of eating out. When you go to a restaurant you can get some great ideas for cooking some of the local fare. The best part is not only will you save on your meals, it is almost always less expensive to rent a home than stay at a hotel. In many areas, you can even stay at the home of one of the local families and have an amazing and authentic experience.

The Sensational Free Activities

You can find all kinds of free activities in any area you take your vacation. A quick search online will reveal all kinds of different activities your family will enjoy. Some excellent ideas include city parks, some of the museums, public squares, churches and historical sites and buildings. Most art galleries, museums and sculpture gardens have one day each week where admission is free. This is a fantastic way to see art exhibits and displays without spending a lot of money. Walking tours are another way to experience the best aspects of a city. The majority of these tours are free because they are guided by the local volunteers. All you have to pay is a tip to experience the culture and history of the area from someone who is familiar with the city and loves the area. You will probably even make a new friend or two.

Saving Valuable Dollars on Food

The best way to save money on any trip is by eating at restaurants less. As long as your accommodations have a kitchen, there is no reason you cannot prepare most of your family’s meals by shopping at a local grocery store. You will save even more if you stick to the farmer’s markets and small, locally owned grocers. The prices decrease even further at the farmer’s market if you shop right before the day ends. This is when the costs are substantially cut by the vendors so they can sell out before closing. Make certain you grab plenty of refillable water bottles and snacks so you do not have to paying the outrageous prices for a quick snack or beverage while you are exploring the city.


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