Browsing: yard sale

Organizing a garage sale can be exciting, but only if you make sufficient preparations for the sale event. Having a garage sale is a great way to get organized by downsizing and getting rid of items that you no longer need or want. A yard sale will put money in your wallet while helping you remove clutter at the same time. Before you rush to put up signs, here are some tips to help you get started. Gathering and Labeling Items Scour your entire home/house for items you no longer need or want. Place like items in the same box,…


Spring is right around the corner and it’s a great time to have a garage sale because the weather is beautiful. Not to mention, many people like to do some Spring Cleaning which lends itself to clearing out items you no longer need or want. A garage sale is an excellent way to purge some of your things and end up with some extra cash in your pocketbook. A successful garage sale will take more than just putting a price sticker on each of your items and setting them out in your driveway. Planning and organization should be on the…

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