Browsing: thrifting

A new season is just around the corner and that means your checkbook is going to hurt unless you know a secret — fall is one of the best seasons to save money by buying staples secondhand. As kids are getting ready to head back to school and the holidays loom, overstuffed closets are being cleaned out in your own neighborhood right now. Last year’s clothing and a volley of household goods are being donated to thrift stores by cash-strapped families that then head to the mall to drop big bucks on new stuff. It doesn’t have to be! School…


How many times have you gone to a Halloween store and found the coolest costume, only to walk away disappointed because it simply cost too much? Believe it or not, there is a way to have the costumes that you want at a price that you can afford. Here are a few ways to save money on Halloween costumes. Buy Used Costumes There are people in this world that are willing to pay lots of money for name brand costumes that you’d find in a Halloween store or costume shop. If those people are willing to purchase an expensive costume…

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