Browsing: roofing

Autumn is a great time to have your roof assessed for any damages that may have occurred within the previous year. It gives you a chance to decide and plan on a path of action before seasonal storms begin and keeping a solid roof over your head becomes a critical event. Winter, spring, and summer often bring heavy winds, snow, sleet, rain, and hail that can damage your roof. These seasonal storms may create small problems that go unnoticed until they become huge headaches. It is important to have your roof inspected regularly and to make repairs quickly. Water Won’t…


As a homeowner, you probably understand the importance of taking good care of your roof. After all, your roof serves as a barrier of protection between your home and the elements. Keeping your roof in good condition helps you avoid serious damage to your home and can help you preserve your home’s value. Plus, replacing your roof can be very expensive, so you probably want to take good care of your roof so that you will not have to replace it anytime soon. If you don’t know much about this topic, you might not really know where to begin. But…


A new roof is a costly endeavor that few homeowners look forward to. In fact, the national average cost of a roof replacement is roughly $22,000. With such high costs involved, it’s common to fear hearing the diagnosis that your home needs a new roof. While there is little that you can actually do to reduce the cost of replacing your roof, there are a few signs you can familiarize yourself with that indicate a roof replacement might be on the horizon for you and your home, so the initial diagnosis doesn’t come as quite a shock. Recognizing these indicators…

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