Pet Fire Safety Tips


Home fires can be deadly and harmful both to you and your pet. Over 40,000 pets die every year in home fires. Pets are also the leading cause of about 1,000 house fires every year, many of these are preventable. Be sure to follow the preparatory and safety measures below.

Preventing Pet Fires

Secure all cords in your house. Pets, especially kittens, like playing with all items that resemble a string. Electrical cords are no exception. Kittens often chew electrical wires and cords as a way of finding an oral sensation. They also do this as part of exploratory development. This activity is dangerous because it can choke your pet. Furthermore, it increases the chances of an injury or death due to electrocution.

How to Prevent your Pets from Chewing Electrical Cords

• Wrap the cords in rubber bindings or covers or put the cords in PVC tubing.
• Provide your pets with enrichment
• Play with your pets daily, this will deter them from playing with inappropriate items

Extinguish All Open Flames

Pets tend to investigate candles, cooking appliances, and open fires in fireplaces. They can accidentally drag their tails through open flames or knock over a lit candle. Never leave an open flame unattended or leave the pet unattended around open flames. Consider using electrical candles instead of flammable ones. If your pet knocks them down, no fires will ensue.

Remove or Cover Stove Knobs

Pets can easily lean against a stove knob and turn it up or down. They can also jump up against a stove and turn it on. This can cause a house fire if you leave the kitchen unattended.

How to Pet-Proof Your Stove

• Keep your pets away from the kitchen when cooking
• Removing stove knobs immediately after you finish cooking
• Covering the stove knobs anytime you are not in the kitchen to prevent pets from turning on the stove

Confine your Pets to Secure Areas

Keep your pets in cages or crates when you are not around, this will help to reduce the risks of hazards in your house.

Have an Evacuation Plan

Include your pets in a wildfire evacuation plan by building evacuation kits for all pets. Each kit should have a weight and size that you can load into a car easily and quickly when evacuating a fire zone.

Installing Monitored Smoke Detectors

The fire department monitors smoke detectors anytime you are away. They will quickly alert the fire department in case of an emergency.

Affix Alert Stickers on Windows

These stickers will help fire responders to know the presence of an injured or frightened pet inside a house on fire. Stickers can easily save your pet in the event of a fire.

Keep Carries and Leashes Near Emergency Exits

These will help keep your pets safe and secure in case of a fire. You will be able to evacuate them before escaping from your arms or getting lost in the thick smoke.

Know Where your Pets Hide

Fires terrify pets and forces them to run to places they can feel safe. You must know these hiding places if you want to save your pet in case of a fire. If you do not know these places, it will be difficult for you to save your pets in a time crunch.

Prepare an Emergency Kit for Pets

Prepare and plan ahead by having an emergency kit for pets. The kit can come in handy if you have to board the pet at a facility or a kennel until you settle.

Pet’s First Aid Kit

• Pet food
• Prescription medication
• Veterinary paperwork
• Description of the pet and
• Current photo

These simple tips can help you prevent pet fires at home. They can also ensure your pet, house, family members, and yourself are all safe and secure in the event of a fire.


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