Browsing: Dogs

Being a pet owner, you probably do not mind sharing your food with your cat or dog, especially when they stare at what you are eating with their big, woeful eyes. Nonetheless, this habit could pose a health risk for your furry friends. Some pet owners do not realize that there is a wide assortment of human foods that would be extremely detrimental to their pets. Thus, they end up feeding them these foods, which can lead to a medical emergency or worse yet, death. For the sake of your pet’s well-being, below are some of the foods that cats…


Help Your Pets Go From Foe to Fam(ily) As Easy As Saying, “1, 2, 3! “…In the arms of the angel, fly away from here…” no wait, “…and the endlessness that you fear. You are pulled from the wreckage…” who has the remote?? Find the remote!! “You’re in the arms of the angel. May you find some comfort here…” it’s too late. My eyes have welled up with tears and I’m earnestly searching for my cuddle buddies. I cry out, “Snookums? Where are you Snookums? Mommy loves you, come here please!!” You’ve all been there before. When Sarah McLachlan gives…


If you are a proud dog owner, you likely consider your furry friend to be a member of your family. Dogs require room to play, and most breeds love roaming around outdoors. Unfortunately, some dogs like to run beyond the confines of your yard, making fences necessary. When you are trying to determine what type of fence you need, you will want to choose one that can contain your dog while also being aesthetically pleasing. There are several options for fences that can keep even the largest dogs safely contained. Higher is better Having a fence that is tall enough…

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