Who says that you have to spend a fortune to dress nicely? Use the same kind of strategies for clothes as you do for groceries. Wait until things go on sale and use any available store specials and coupons. These are some great suggestions for filling your family’s wardrobes frugally:
In And Out of Season:
The best time to buy winter clothes is during the spring, and vice versa. Some department stores slash their out-of-season items 50% or more during the current season. Buy clothing and accessories when they are on sale and store them for the coming year.
Don’t Buy It If You Don’t Love It:
If you don’t really like an item, don’t buy it. Why buy something that you think is “OK”? You know what happens with it, you don’t wear it. Take a long, hard look at the cost per wear of every item before purchasing it. If you want to invest in a designer suit or couture cocktail dress that you’ll put on only once or twice a year, make sure it’s something you love and will enjoy wearing time after time.
Gently Used: Parents know that children quickly grow out of their clothes. The $60 pair of designer jeans may last your child for only a year before he goes up another size. Thrift stores are overflowing with quality designer clothes that have been donated. You can buy some of your favorite name brands for only a fraction of the cost. Shop at neighborhood yard sells for terrific buys. There are also stores that will buy your gently used clothing or give you store credit. Consignment shops are another great place to buy and sell clothes for your family.
Neighborhood Swap: What are you going to do with that basket of good clothes that your children have outgrown? There are probably a lot of other parents in your circle of family and friends who have the same dilemma. Why not organize a neighborhood swap? Each participant brings a load of clothes to the designated meeting place. For every item that you bring, you can swap it out for another person’s item. Neighborhood swaps are beneficial for used toys and other household items. This simple bartering can save you a bundle.