The Best Foods to Eat Before and After Working Out


Getting in shape is one of the most popular New Year’s Resolutions. If your workout goal is to build muscle, lose weight or to get healthy, what you eat matters. Give yourself the right fuel to get through your workout and give your body what it needs to recover; this will help you meet your fitness goals. Here are some dietary suggestions to keep you moving and give your body what it needs before and after working out.

Before Working Out

If you want to get the most out of your workout, your best bet is to fuel yourself before getting started. Working out on an empty stomach can leave you feeling lightheaded, dizzy, nauseous or lethargic. That being said, you do not want to eat right before you workout either. This will take energy from your body to digest food and you do not want these two activities vying for your body’s power supply. Eating an hour and half before you workout should give your body enough time to process the energy from your food.

Before Working Out, You Need…

Carbohydrates can be a good thing, they provide your body with the energy you need to keep moving. Simple carbohydrates are digested quickly, giving you a quick burst of energy. Complex carbohydrates digest a more slowly and release energy slowly throughout your workout. Get a good mix of simple and complex carbohydrates before your exercise routine.
Good Simple Carbohydrates
• Fruits like apples and bananas
• Honey
• Milk and yogurt
Good Complex Carbohydrates
• Nuts, seeds and legumes
• Dairy products
• Fruits and vegetables
• Whole grain breads and pastas

Protein is essential when you are working out, especially if you are using weights. When you workout with weights, you end up making small tears in the fibers of your muscles. When you rest, your body gets the chance to repair those little tears, but it needs protein to make that happen. Here are some examples of proteins you should try before your workout.
Good Sources of Protein
• Milk or a non-dairy alternative milk
• Turkey
• Hardboiled eggs
• Greek yogurt
• Nuts

We all know that hydration is important. The best time to hydrate is before going to the gym because you know you will be sweating and losing fluids, so it is best to hydrate prior to your workout. The best fluid to stock up on is plain old H2O. Make sure to drink up a couple of hours before going to the gym so that your body is well-hydrated. Then keep a bottle nearby to make sure you stay hydrated throughout your workout.

After Your Workout

After your workout, replenish the calories, energy and nutrients used up during your workout. The best way to do that is to give your body all of the same things you gave it before your visit to the gym. You will still need simple and complex carbohydrates for energy and protein to help build and repair your muscles. Your body will be able to repair itself better if you are well-hydrated.

What to Eat Before and After Working Out

Are you wondering what to eat before and after working out? Here are some snacks and meals to you can enjoy before and after you workout.


Whole-Wheat Toast with Peanut Butter, Banana and Cinnamon
The toast and banana give you a nice blend of simple and complex carbohydrates while the peanut butter provides a protein and healthy fats. Cinnamon gives a kick of flavor, helps stabilize blood sugar and improve brain function.
Greek Yogurt and Granola
This snack is a nice mix of simple and complex carbohydrates from the granola and protein from the Greek yogurt.
Smoothies are great, especially if you are on the go. A simple, no-fail recipe is adding your favorite fruit, a cup of Greek yogurt and a splash of milk. Then, blend all your ingredients together. For a little extra texture, add a little granola to the mix.


Whole-Wheat, Tuna Fish, Hummus and Spinach Sandwich
Whole wheat bread gives provides good carbohydrates, as well as the spinach and the tuna has protein. Hummus is also a healthier spread than mayo and gives you both protein and carbohydrates.
Salmon with Sweet Potato
Salmon provides protein and sweet potatoes are a great post-workout complete carbohydrate.
Veggie Omelet
Eggs are an amazing source of protein. Add in your favorite vegetables to your omelet for a great way post-workout meal.
It is important to exercise if you want to stay in shape, but it’s equally as important to get the right fuel before and afterward your workout to support your exercise routine. Follow these tips and you will have no trouble keeping your goals on track.


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