Post Halloween Dental Care Tips


Halloween is a holiday favorite for most kids; it is not often you allow your kids to fill baskets full of candy from the homes of strangers. It’s easy to forget your kid’s teeth require a little additional care following this holiday.

Start by Cleaning Out the Candy

Sort through the candy and eliminate items that are dangerous for the teeth. Sticky candies such as taffy and hard candies can actually damage the teeth. It’s better to be safe than sorry, remove these items from the kid’s candy stash.

Create Some Halloween Candy Boundaries

Your job is to set some candy limits. This means making rules stating your child can only eat a few pieces at a time, when given permission. This allows you to control late night snacking that might occur after he or she already brushed his or her teeth. You don’t want your kids to eat Halloween candy and then go to bed without brushing. Sugar on the teeth can be dangerous after an extended period of time.

Eat Your Candy After A Meal

Did you know your mouth produces more saliva when you’re eating a meal? This is because your body naturally works to push out the bacteria in your mouth by producing additional saliva as you chew. If you eat your candy right after you eat a meal, your mouth is still producing this additional saliva, which makes it easier to get rid of the excess sugar on your teeth.

Brush With the Kids

It’s a good idea to set a good example for your little ones. When you’re done with your after-dinner Halloween candy snacking, everyone should head into the bathroom and brush their teeth. If you do it together, the kids will learn how important it is to brush your teeth. Kids learn by example and this is a great time to start setting a good one for your kids in terms of their oral healthcare.

Use an App When Brushing

Download a fun brushing app to help your kids brush for a two solid minutes. Some apps even help you by showing you where to brush and tell you how long you should brush in that specific location.

Don’t Forget to Floss and Rinse

Sometimes candy gets stuck between your teeth and brushing alone doesn’t do the trick of removing it from your mouth. Follow up brushing by thoroughly flossing. Don’t skip any teeth, floss between all of them in order to remove any built-up sugar or other food particles. This helps reduce the risk of bacteria and cavities from forming. Rinse your mouth with mouthwash, this helps rinse out everything you accidentally left behind while you were brushing and flossing. This will keep your smile bright and beautiful.

Schedule Regular Dental Visits

You should see your dentist at least two times every year to maintain your healthiest smile. Schedule an annual visit to the dentist following the Halloween candy binges. The dental hygienist will perform an excellent cleaning and remove all the leftover sugar, bacteria, inside your mouth. This also helps the dentist find any problems that might be forming so they can handle them right away.

Your child’s oral health is directly related to his or her overall health. Poor oral health care leads to gum disease and periodontal disease which is linked to the onset of more serious health issues. Some cancers, heart disease, and even diabetes are possible for people who have oral health issues. Teach your kids the importance of post-Halloween health care.


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