Tips for Packing the Car for College


The fall season is almost here and it’s almost time to hit the college campus. Graduating high school was a fantastic achievement, but your next goal is maneuvering through the great walls of higher education. Living in a dorm room is one of the milestones of any college student’s life. This living space is a unique one so you’ll want to prepare for it by packing the car with all the items that you’ll need. Follow this doom room essential checklist; it will help make your transition much easier.

Clean the Room First

Before you even step outside to the car, clean up your childhood room first. Discard any trash that’s hindering your view. You want to set aside the essentials in your room for a quick, packing scenario. Ideally, pack away sentimental items so that they aren’t dusty or damaged when you return. The essentials for college may be as simple as favorite pens or a personal journal. Bring items that you know will be in your backpack at all times, such as your laptop computer. Remember to bring chargers and protective covers too because they’ll be more expensive to purchase at the college itself.

Think Stackable or Collapsible

Dorm rooms aren’t known for their roomy features so pack some storage solutions to help you stay organized. As you pack the car for college, use crates that can either act as shelves or storage bins in the room. These crates are normally constructed with open cells so that you can see inside the containers. Pick attractive colors that can decorate the room while organizing it at the same time. Another option is the collapsible crate. Fold them down after they’ve been used and place the crates underneath your bed.

Don’t Bring the Entire Wardrobe

New college students often think of leaving home in the fall as a permanent situation. Remember that you will return home at some point around the holidays; only pack items that you need for the Fall. When you visit home during the winter, switch out your clothing once again. This strategy reduces the need to haul so many clothes around when it’s not necessary. Use the extra room in the closet for other storage purposes, such as stacking extra toiletries or school supplies.

Split the Essentials With Your Roommate

Remember that your roommates will have their own essentials on hand so touch base up before moving day. Decide on who will bring the mini fridge or microwave. Consider a dual purchase of curtains for the windows or posters on the wall. All of these details will help make the space your own.

Be Aware of Showering Needs

Showering is completely different in college compared to home. Dormitories normally have centralized bathrooms for each floor. They consist of a bank of sinks, toilets and showers so that most of the floor can get ready at the same time. Pick up a shower caddy at a local store that can hold your shampoo, soap and washcloths. Bring shower shoes or flip-flops for the bathroom too. Although schools try to keep things clean, communal living means that germs will be a reality in the bathroom. Simply designate shoes just for the shower so you’re be free from any germs.

Remember That College Kids Can Shop

If you forget an item; remember that you can go shopping in and around the college. Most communities have nearby shops where you can pick up basic items. Don’t forget that you can also order items online and they’ll ship to your residence hall. If you’re really stuck for a particular item, contact your loved ones at home for a quick shipment.

Do Buy Extra-Long Twin Sheets

Dorm rooms are small, but they don’t force you to sleep on tiny, twin beds. Most dorms have extra-long twin mattresses for their college students. The tallest person will find these mattresses comfortable. However, standard sheets don’t fit these mattresses. Shop around to find the designation “XL Twin” on packaged sheets. Bedding manufacturers are aware of these college standards so they make sheets to match them. Pick sheets, a comforter and pillowcases for your dorm bed. Consider a mattress pad if you’re particularly sensitive to firm conditions. College mattresses tend to be more firm than soft.

Splurge on Lights and Mirrors

It’s a reality that dorm rooms are designed with an “industrial décor.” You’ll open up the door to a bare room with bed frames and mattresses. Dress up the space with a full-length mirror on the back of the door. This simple addition will help both roommates as they get ready in the morning. String up LED lights across the room for those evenings when one roommate is out late, that way an overhead bulb doesn’t have to be turned on and disturb others.

Bring Cleaning Essentials

Between you and your roommate, cleaning the dorm room is a regular necessity. To make it easier, bring pre-treated wipes in those handy, cylindrical containers. Wipe down surfaces and dust off items as necessary. The room will be more enjoyable as a result.

If you forget any key items at home, remember that you’ll be heading back there when the holidays arrive. Make a list of the items that you want to bring come wintertime so that you’re ready to pack them over the holidays. College is full of firsts, and mistakes will occur at times. Move past any setbacks so that you can make the most of your time as a student.


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