Healthy Tips For Glowing Summer Skin


Summer is here! If you are wondering how to adjust your skincare routine, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Read on to learn tips for creating a safe and happy summer for you and your skin.


Exfoliation is important all year round. However, depending on your environment you may need to change the type of exfoliant you are using. Summer can be tricky because our skin becomes more congested and inflamed when heat, makeup, sweat, and ground-level ozone combine. Your first instinct may be to reach for a scrub or stronger exfoliant, but before you do, here are a few tips to keep in mind.

Exfoliate in The Evening

Exfoliating in the morning, right before you go outside, will leave you more vulnerable to photosensitivity, which can be counter-productive and cause hyperpigmentation and irritation in those with sensitive skin. Exfoliating in the evening/before bed leaves your skin time to heal and absorb nourishment from whatever oils, serums, or moisturizers you use art night.

Exfoliate Gently and More Frequently

If you use very active exfoliants once a week and aren’t  seeing any results, then consider switching to a more gentle exfoliant, which can be used a few times a week. This will give you a more evenly distributed exfoliation and minimize your chance of photosensitivity. A good example of this would be an enzymatic exfoliant because it digests dead cells only and isn’t too rough on the skin.

Avoid Active Ingredients During the Day

Avoid leave-on exfoliants and active serums during the day. This includes treatments such as retinal prescription, retinoids, and vitamin C serums. Even if you wear sunscreen, these products can still cause photosensitivity when exposed to high levels of sunlight. Use products such as these in the evening/before bed to eliminate this risk.


Hydrate From Within

Summer means sweat and sometimes sticky humidity which is often mistaken for hydrated skin. Yes, your epidermis is more hydrated when it is humid outside, but that doesn’t mean you can forfeit internal hydration. As a matter of fact, more hydration is needed in the summer because we sweat more. Hydrate from the inside out and always keep water on your person.

Hydrate Topically

It may seem counterproductive to use a hydrating product during the summer when you are sweaty. But sweating is dehydrating and dry summer heat can draw moisture from your skin. Other elements such as air conditioning, chlorine or too much sun can dehydrate as well. Opt for humectant based products that also contain soothing ingredients.

Clay Masks

During the summer, clay masks can be used by most people. Our pores are more dilated when they are sweating in the heat. A clay mask can tighten pores, making them appear smaller. Masks are most effective when used after exfoliation, so go ahead and pair these together as a nighttime routine.

Sunglasses & Hats

Some things never go out of style. Sunglasses and hats are the perfect examples of this. Wear large sunglasses with UV protection. Sure, sunglasses and hats aren’t officially marketed as skincare products, but they are a vital form of cancer prevention. The eye area is some of the thinnest skin on your body, and also has very little structural support above the orbital bone, thus making it a lot more vulnerable than the rest of your face. This will also help prevent macular degeneration. Pair your glasses with a cute summer hat and you’ve got even more protection from those harmful sun rays.


Are you tired of hearing about sunscreen? By now most people know to wear sunscreen, but here are a few extra sunscreen things to keep in mind.


Keep in mind that chemical sunscreens need 15 minutes before they take effect. So apply sunscreen before you go into the sun and not after you’ve arrived at the beach and are already feeling the sun’s rays.


When applying sunscreen, do not forget to apply to your lips or use a lip balm that contains sunscreen. Ideally, a physical sunscreen such as zinc or titanium dioxide is a healthier option for sunscreen, especially when using around your mouth area.


Nourishing with a concentrated level of vitamins and antioxidants is always a good idea, but it’s an even better idea in the summer. UV rays still cause damage, contributing to premature aging, even if we do not look or feel officially sunburned.

Additionally, friction and heat can cause micro-inflammation and irritation. Strengthen your capillaries and barrier function by using a vitamin serum at night, containing red raspberry extract and/or vitamin C.

Heal and Soothe

A little too much sun happens to everyone now and again. Use healing ingredients such as aloe, algae, chamomile, arnica, and lavender, in the form of a gel. Gel formulations will penetrate deeply and quickly when you are more dehydrated. Put the gel in the refrigerator for an even more soothing effect. If your sunburn is somewhat severe, using a thick calming balm to seal in the hydration and protect your barrier. Careful not to scrub or exfoliate sunburned areas and resist peeling.


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