Summer Tips for a Healthy Heart


As much fun as the warm weather can be, it’s important to know heart-healthy tips on how to thrive in the heat. Many people don’t think they need to modify their lifestyle to safely manage the heat, but paying attention to when you exercise and what you eat can make a significant difference in how well your body copes with the heat.

Heart Health Challenges in the Summer

Your heart has to pump harder to cool you down and make you sweat. For people with a compromised heart, this extra stress from the additional pumping can overwhelm the cardiovascular system. That explains why heat waves usually see a sharp rise in deaths for people with heart problems. People with damaged hearts may not be able to pump the amount of blood necessary to cool off the body. Arteries clogged with plague and cholesterol can impede blood flow to the skin for cooling purposes.

A hot day can require up to four times as much blood be pumped to cool down your body. If you can’t cool your body down because of the strain on your heart muscle, then you are susceptible to heat stroke. This condition can kill you if you don’t cool down immediately.

People with heart failure or with a compromised heart are at high risk during summer months. A perfect storm of problems can come together when the heart is overworked and there is a surge of stress hormones. Add to that risky scenario, depleted sodium and potassium levels lost from sweating, and the blood pressure can suddenly fall to dangerously low levels, causing dizziness.

Avoid Outdoor Activities During the Hottest Times of the Day

Modify your schedule to stay out of the heat during afternoon hours to keep from overheating and putting extra stress on your heart. Exercise indoors out of the heat whenever possible. If you can work swimming into your summer exercise routine, it’s great way to beat the heat and stay cool in the process.

Protect Yourself from the Sun

Wearing cotton clothes that breathe during hot summer months can help keep your temperature down. Wearing protective hats and light colored clothing is also a proven way to keep your body temperature down. Dressing appropriately for the heat will keep your heart from having to work extra hard to cool you down.

Eat Heart Healthy Foods

Fruit and plenty of vegetables should be a large part of your diet for optimal heart health during summer months, and always. An added benefit of eating these foods is that it will help you stay hydrated. Taking advantage of the summer bounty of tasty, fresh fruits and vegetables is a seasonal bonus that will also take good care of your heart.

Summer melons are more than delicious and sweet treats, they also provide much needed potassium that helps keep your blood pressure stable. Substituting sweet fruit to take care of sugar cravings is a smart move that people with a sweet tooth will appreciate.

Lower Stress

Stress is terrible for your heart. That’s why you need to keep stress to a minimum especially during the summer months when your heart is already under extra stress trying to keep you cool. Take advantage of the lazy feel that is summer and read a good book.

Be Prepared for Emergencies

Learn CPR, since heart problems are common during the hot summer months, it is always good to know you could help someone if necessary.

Recognize the symptoms of heat stroke and heat exhaustion. This can save someone’s life. Heat exhaustion symptoms are heavy sweating, muscle cramps, cold skin, headaches, a weak pulse, a rapid pulse, and dizziness. While just one of these signs may not mean you are suffering from heat exhaustion, you should take them seriously and assume the worst, by taking action and rehydrating and moving to a cool place.

Heat stroke is another serious condition that results from overheating. It shows up as dry skin with no sweat. It is often accompanied by a fever and nausea. A rapid pulse and signs of confusion are other indicators of heat stroke. In some cases, you will vomit or have a fever. You need to cool down and rehydrate as soon as possible.

Heart health is always important, but is extra dangerous for anyone with a compromised heart. The good news is that you can take precautions and lessen your chance of having a serious problem. By eating right, staying out of the heat and cautiously exercising on a regular basis without getting too hot, you can enjoy the wonderful summer months without putting your health at risk


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