Awesome Outdoor Yoga Poses


Did you know that original forms of yoga were meant to be practiced in nature? Yoga is connects you with your higher self and the universal mind of the cosmos. Find a peaceful place outdoors; it might be next to your favorite tree, lake, or forest. The poses below are great if you’re an experienced yogi, an intermediate student, or a novice.

Standing Mountain Pose

This pose is a great exercise to start your outdoor yoga session. It keeps your mind and body connected to nature. Start out by standing tall like a mountain. Feel your feet press firmly into the earth. Use standing mountain pose to keep you grounded and present during your practice. Bring your hands together in the praying position to enhance your connection.

Tree Pose

Feel your arms lift above your head slowly. Reach them gently toward the sky and bring your hands together once again. Feel your body extend and lift toward the heavens. Hold this pose for three slow breaths and observe.

Downward-Facing Dog Pose

Begin this inverted position by spreading your feet hip distance apart. Gracefully bend from your waist while extending your back forward. Place your hands on the mat shoulder length apart. Extend your buttocks toward the clouds and feel the stretch in your back.

Try to keep your face as relaxed as possible during this pose. Keep your breath steady and hold for thirty seconds. Downward dog pose will strengthen your arms, legs, back, and mind.

Seated Head to Knee Pose

This pose will help lengthen and relax your muscles while you breathe. Start by sitting your hips evenly on your mat. Let your feet stretch straight out in front of you. Begin to curl forward as if you’re stretching over an imaginary ball. This keeps your spine healthy. Touch your hands to your toes and hold with your head relaxing forward. This position allows you to have a moment of reverence for the world around you.

Standing Forward Fold

Stand up straight with your knees and feet together. Lift your arms peacefully above your head and slowly lower them while reaching forward. If your hands can’t touch your toes, let them hang. Hold this stretch for about thirty seconds. Let your head hang like a rock. This position will stretch your hamstrings, calves, back, neck, shoulders, and arms.

Twist Pose

Also known as nature’s twist, this pose will stretch your legs and abdomen. While in a seated position, stretch your feet straight on from your hips. Place your foot against the outside of its opposite knee. Place your elbow against its opposite knee. Slowly twist towards your back until you reach the end of your comfort level.

Fire Pose

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Reach your hands above your head in prayer position. Bend from your waist forward to touch your toes. As you lift your upper body back to standing position, slightly bend your knees. Reach your praying hands up again and keep your elbows slightly bent like your knees. Push your hips back and slightly squat until you feel like you’re sitting in an invisible chair. Try to relax your shoulders in this position. You don’t want any added tension.

Child’s Pose

Child’s pose is a perfect way to end your outdoor yoga exercise. Start by kneeling on both knees and hands. Breath in and slowly bend your upper body forward. Lengthen your back and buttocks. Slide your hands along the ground in front of you until you are in a relaxing curled position with your forehead resting on the ground. Breathe out and reach your arms and hands behind you with palms up. This pose is relaxing and is great for your back, neck, and shoulders, keeping you calm all day long.

Include these positions in your outdoor routine for a positive and uplifting session. Yoga is a spiritual and physical exercise that will bring you strength. It connects you to nature and the universe. Practice these yoga poses at least three times per week for optimal benefits.


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