12 Ways to Have Fun with the Kids Without Breaking the Bank


It is so important to spend time with your kids to create a lasting bond that the two of you will have for the rest of your lives. Unfortunately, a lot of families don’t know of many ways to have a blast with their children without spending a ton of money first. Sure, going to the zoo is a great idea and can be a day full of excitement, but it can also be costly and your budget will take quite a hit. Amusement parks are wonderful but are notoriously pricey and even going the cheap route by getting season passes for the family can be expensive.

Benefits of Keeping to a Budget
A major benefit to keeping your family on a budget is that you won’t have to worry about personal finances or money as much as you would if you weren’t watching where you were spending your funds. You’ll have more money to put away to start saving and cash to fall back on in case of an emergency situation. Spending a lot of money on your kids might seem like a reasonably fine idea at the time, but it can add up quite quickly and you’ll find you begin experiencing financial issues just because you’re trying to keep the kids entertained and happy.

Here is a list of some fun and frugal things to do with your kids that will either be totally free or relatively inexpensive:

1. Local Parks
Local parks are totally free to the public and often have playgrounds, sand pits and swings that the kids will absolutely love. Plus, you’ll be getting your children out into fresh air away from the technology at home that often hypnotizes them. You can do a quick and simple search for playgrounds and parks in your area for a complete list of available locations.

2. Play Centers and Jumping Gyms
While they may not be totally free, play centers and jumping gyms designed for kids are often low-cost and offer membership discounts. You may only have to pay a few dollars per kid for an entire day of fun, excitement and laughs. If you don’t know of any play groups and centers in your area, you can look online or ask a local daycare center, child’s boutique shop or your local school.

3. Go to the Beach
During the warmer months of the year, the beach is a great full day of fun in the sun. Bring along the sunblock, some toys and plenty of snacks and you’re able to sit there and relax while your kids have an absolute blast. Most community beaches are completely free and won’t cost you a thing, even if you want to go every single day and stay from sun up to sun down.

4. Have Some Outdoor Wintertime Fun
During the winter months, try not to be annoyed with the snow but instead use it to your advantage. Using a simple and cheap sled, you can spend hours outside with the kids going up and down hills on your property. If you don’t have a large property, you can find a local sledding slope that’s free to the public. Make snowmen outside, have a snowball fight and then go inside for a hot cup of cocoa to end an amazing day.

5. Local Working Farms
Whether you’ve seen them or not, chances are that there is a local working farm near your home that’s just a matter of a quick drive away. The working farm will normally have tours one or two days a week in the warmer months and it will be completely free to anyone who comes by for a peek at how a farm operates.

6. Visit to a Local Pond or Lake
A local pond or lake is a great free trip that encourages kids to get outside and explore the world of nature. Bring along some bug nets with you and a few containers for tadpoles and you’ll also have a fun science lesson that every kid will love no matter their age.

7. Local Museums
Most local museums are free to kids and some are even no-cost for adults. The museum will include a complete history of your area and any available artifacts that might interest patrons. This is an educational way to teach your kids about their town or city in a hands-on manner.

8. Kids-Attend-Free Events
Your area probably has lots of kids-attend-free events that your children will love going to. From puppy adoption days at the local hardware store to craft fairs that are held bi-annually in the park, these events are totally free to go to and it’ll allow you and your kids to have a full day out having fun together.

9. Kids-Eat-Free Restaurants
When dining out, one of the most frustrating things for parents is when you order a meal for your kids and they either don’t eat at all or just take a small amount of food. This is why it’s essential that you dine only at restaurants that offer kids-eat-free days. You can easily find this information out by visiting the restaurant’s website or asking other parents where they go to eat that’s low-cost or free for the kids.

10. At-Home Science Projects and Crafts
At-home science projects and crafts are a whole lot of fun and teach your kids how elements and ingredients work. From mixing cornstarch with water to create a non-Newtonian fluid to making your own beautiful sun catchers for the windows, it’s amazing what you can create at home and the amount of enjoyment the whole family will have.

11. Educational Free Apps
While you should strive to keep your kids away from technology as much as feasibly possible, there’s no denying that there are some amazing free educational apps that kids will absolutely love. These apps are geared for kids of all ages and teach them math, phonics, animal care and more without it costing you a thing.

12. Outdoor Exploration and Gardening
In the spring, summer and fall, you can make it a habit to go outside in the backyard and explore the area every day. Look for bugs and animals that you can teach the kids about. Grow a vegetable or fruit garden with the kids and allow them to nurture the plants and yield their own crops.

There is absolutely no reason to spend a small fortune just to keep the kids happy. You also don’t need to spend money in order to make lasting memories with your children. In some cases, the best memories your kids will have is when they’re in the local park, on the beach, catching bugs in the yard or playing at a local gym filled with other kids their age.


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